Introducing Relevance by Digitaloft

By James Brockbank

July 31, 2024 4 min read

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Relevance is the hottest topic in digital PR and link building right now, and no one can agree on what it actually means, let alone how best to measure it.

But today, that changes.

We’re so excited to announce Relevance by Digitaloft, our solution to solving SEO’s relevancy issue. It gives marketers the insights they need to fully understand and measure topical relevance, both on-site and off-site.

Relevance by Digitaloft doesn’t just measure the relevance of a link profile in isolation as a number of other attempts to measure relevance do. In developing this, we’ve been focussed on measuring the relevance of a link profile against the topics a site itself is relevant to; making it easy to understand how the link profile’s topics correlate with the site’s topics.

Your link profile needs to be relevant to the topics your site is, but this needs to be measured objectively.

And one of the biggest problems we have around relevance? Too often, it’s thought of subjectively. And what one person considers relevant someone else would challenge.

This is something we set out to solve.

We’ve been working on this for the best part of a year, developing the most accurate way to understand, measure and report on relevance, and we’re now ready to roll this out and share this outside the agency.

Relevance by Digitaloft will be officially launching on 2nd September 2024…

Solving the industry’s relevance problem…

Understand the topics that search engines see your site and its link profile as being relevant to.

Gain valuable insights into the relevance gap between your site’s content and link profile, and learn the actions to take to achieve topical alignment between these. 

Your site’s content and link profile need to give off the same relevance signals; they must be topically aligned. You don’t want your site’s content suggesting you’re most relevant to one set of topics and your link profile suggesting something else.

Relevance matters and topics that are either under or overrepresented on-site or off-site can hold back your site’s organic performance.

Say hello to Relevance by Digitaloft.

Relevance by Digitaloft is our in-house Natural Language Understanding-based solution to solving SEO’s relevancy issue. It provides the insights needed to fully understand and measure topical relevance, both on-site and off-site.

It’s our proven system for understanding:

  • The topics that a site’s content is most relevant for (and how this stacks up against competitors)
  • The topics that a site’s link profile is most relevant for (and how this stacks up against competitors)
  • The topic gaps that exist between a site’s content and its link profile
  • The % of a site’s links that are actually relevant 

These insights are powerful and can act as a blueprint for building out a content and/or link building strategy. 

Relevance by Digitaloft reveals insights such as:

  • The topics you need to create more content around
  • The topics you need to earn more links from (i.e. the core topics digital PR ideation should focus on)
  • The irrelevant topics your site has too much content about compared to your products or services 
  • Whether or not your site’s SEO success is being held back by too many links that aren’t relevant 
  • Which links in a site’s link profile are and aren’t relevant 

Relevance by Digitaloft will be available as a managed service or is included as standard for all of the agency’s retained SEO and digital PR clients. 

Here’s a sneak preview of some of the insights you’ll find in a Relevance Report:

The topics a site is the most relevant to:

The topics a site’s link profile is the most relevant to:

How a site’s link profile topics are represented in comparison to key competitors:

How relevant a site’s link profile is compared with key competitors:

Which links are and aren’t relevant to the topics that the site is about:

Relevance gaps between a site’s topics and its link profile’s topics:

Competitor relevance gaps: which topics competitors do and don’t have relevance gaps for

Relevance by Digitaloft: Launching 2nd September 2024

Want to be the first to know how you can get your hands on a custom Relevance Report for your brand?

Sign up to our waiting list here and we’ll be in touch with more details:

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more insights into the technology behind Relevance by Digitaloft and how we’re using it to accelerate SEO success for our clients.

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