My Work Experience at Digitaloft

By Francessca Reynoldson

July 25, 2024 2 min read

Home / Agency News / My Work Experience at Digitaloft

By Frankie Holt

Hi, I’m Frankie, I turn 17 next week, and I’ve spent the last week doing my year 12 work experience at Digitaloft!

I uncovered my interest in media when, on my induction to sixth form, I accidentally went to the wrong classroom, and ended up in the Media Studies classroom instead of Art. However, I believe it was a happy accident, as it was then I realised I might want a career in media.

I discovered on my last day that I was the first ever student Digitaloft had taken on for work experience, and even with only a couple weeks for them to prepare, it seemed they had done this a million times before. They’d arranged meetings with different team members online (which gave me quite the flashback to Lockdown), LOTS of presentations, and a new area to look into every day! 

I enjoyed my first day a lot more than expected, as working in an office hasn’t always appealed to me until I discovered how relaxed and uplifting of an environment it was. I mean, they have a proper coffee machine for goodness sake! And standing desks, though I must admit I think I only used the standing mode once…

I learned so much more than I could have expected this week, I was introduced to Digital PR, SEO, Design, Marketing & Business Development as well as Social Media. Not to upset any of the other departments, but I think I enjoyed Digital PR the best, and it’s great to know that it’s something I could go into in the future. 

To conclude, I think the experience I had at Digitaloft was the best work experience I could have had this week, and I hope more people decide to do the same in the coming years, as I’m sad to be leaving after just one week!

At Digitaloft we’re happy to consider work experience placements year-round; if this is something that you, or one of your students might be interested in, please get in touch.

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